Monday, September 12, 2011

After 10 years....

I made the choice yesterday to not post anything for 9/11 as a symbol of those who lost their lives. The following days after the attacks happened were some of the most profound in this country's history!! My view on it though amounted something so simple... The days afterward brought home the realization to many hundreds of people that their family members had been silenced that day because of a select few that deemed themselves judge and jury for almost 3,000 innocent men, women, and children!! This is why I choose to stay silent, those that perished had their voices silenced forever in this life but they will ALWAYS live in the next and in the heart & minds of the families they left behind. They will also live forever in the eyes of a country that banded together to show that WE WILL NEVER BE BROUGHT DOWN by bullies!! I am including what I posted on Facebook yesterday and that is all I am going to say.....

Posted 9/11/11 on Facebook in Remembrance 

Today very simply NEVER FORGET!! Don't let those that were murdered or GAVE their lives and sacrificed so much fall in to obscurity just because you can't take a little time each day to remember why they are no longer here with their families & friends. 9/11 was not the first time we were hit but it was the first time civilians were the targets on US soil. Since then the world has changed in so many ways that have impacted ALL lives in our GREAT nation but WE STILL STAND!! There is NO one person or nation that can destroy what has been created in the name of FREEDOM!! We may look from the outside as a nation falling apart, we may look from the outside as a weak nation, we may look from the outside as greedy or only out for ourselves as individuals but LET SOMEONE TRY TO BULLY US, MESS WITH OUR OWN, OR STEP FOOT IN OUR HOME AND THREATEN US AND WE WILL BAND TOGETHER AND FIGHT TILL THE VERY END AS ONE.... ONE NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Just Some Inspiration For Your Weekend!!

Good morning :-) It's such a beautiful day I just wanted to share how GREAT I feel this morning after being out in the warm sunshine!! Loving my life, my family, and the wonderful home based business that has helped me find the path back to a complete & full life! I have a full weekend ahead of me filled with great training, positive people, and more inspiration & motivation than one person can handle... I will be all pumped up come Monday so watch out world here I come! Time to get ready so here's a little poem I thought was appropriate for this weekend. Don't forget to Be Grateful for what you have!!! I hope everyone has as incredible weekend!!!!!!!!!!

Just One
Author: Unknown

One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.

One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal.

One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room
One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.

One step must start each journey.
One word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.

One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what's true,

One life can make a difference,
You see, it's up to you!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Always Be Grateful

I am a firm believer in the power of positive thinking. I also believe that if you can master your own emotions then you've won half the battle. With that I am highly suggesting that you start by watching or reading The Secret, it is a GREAT starting point for your path to creating a more fulfilling, successful life. It helped start me on the path I am currently walking. Also don't forget to check out the website for more great insight and inspiration, plus if you have the Google sidebar you can get the widget for it with Daily Teachings on The Secret's website. Here is the Daily Teaching for today... I just thought I'd share something positive so I can end this fabulous day on the best note possible!! Hope you ALL get something out of it and it helps get your new day started off with a smile tomorrow :-) Don't forget to ALWAYS be grateful for what you have!!
Good Night All and Enjoy!!

"It is so important that you are grateful for everything in your life. Many people focus on the one thing they want and then forget to be grateful for all the things they have. Without gratitude you cannot achieve anything through the law of attraction, because if you are not emanating gratitude from your being, then by default  you are emanating ungratefulness. Be proactive and use the frequency of your being to receive what you want."

Just The Beginning

Since this is my first post I'm trying to find the words to get it started right. All I can do is just speak from the heart and hopefully it'll all make sense.
I woke up late this morning which is nothing unusual for me but I do see it as one of many things I need to improve on in my life. Since I make it a point to take my son to school every morning so we can go over his daily goals I definitely need to work on that particular fault in my personality. He is a Freshman in high school this year and after seeing him struggle for so long with so many different problems I had to take a step back and look at things in the big picture. What I found was not pretty nor did it make me feel any better about my parenting skills nor my husband's. Although we have tried to be the encouraging parents we have tended to be a little too tough on our son especially on things that really needed a more gentle approach. To make it worse we fell into the worse habit of all... The do as I say not as I do habit! I am here to tell you from experience it NEVER works!! Let me back up just a bit and give you some background on why and how all of this has came about.
On December 24, 2009 we got some long awaited but very surprising  news, I was pregnant! After being with my husband for over 7 years and my son already being 13 years old I was finally going to get to enjoy having a baby again. I missed being called "Mommy" and having that little person wanting to snuggle with you just because but after all that time we had gave up on it happening and I hid the fact that I wanted another baby just so nobody including me would be disappointed. Let me tell you I was scared! We were already just on the brink of losing everything and 2 weeks after finding out about our little bundle I was laid off from a company I had been with for almost 6 years. With my husband out of work and now me out of work I had no clue what we were going to do. I did get lucky and got my hands on another temporary job to get us through until I could have the baby but after that I knew we would be right back to where we were before. After struggling to stay afloat we ended up watching it all crash down by December of 2010. With no home, no vehicle, no jobs, a new baby and a teenager we packed everything up put it into storage and moved in with my mother. Not the ideal situation but I knew if we didn't stay together as a family we wouldn't make it through this part of our life. It's not been easy by any stretch of the imagination but I know that as long as we don't give up we WILL make it through and become a stronger family at the end of it all.
At the end of Feburary  I was introduced to an incredible business opportunity and with that I started my journey. I joined a network marketing company and have since been working to get it off the ground. Without a warm market and still battling different obstacles, I am struggling but I refuse to give up! This experience has become more of a learning experience than I originally thought it would be. I've found out that what I thought was normal is not, what I thought I was doing right was not, and what I thought I knew I did not. It's put me back onto a path I had strayed from for many years, the path to self improvement and educating myself. I've started reading more financial books, self improvement books, listening to those that can inspire and motivate me, and above all it's caused me to start asking meaningful questions again. This is by far the hardest yet most rewarding adventure I've ever had. It's taught me more about myself and what I had become than anything I've ever done in my life to this point. These truly are life long lessons that I know I will take with me far into the future.
This morning as I was waiting for my sweet baby girl to get up I was reading The Business Of The 21st Century by Robert Kiyosaki  which made me start running all these questions through my head that I NEED to find the answers to:

-What do I have to offer?
- How do I learn to be successful?
- Who do I find to teach/mentor me to help me achieve my goals?
- What are my goals (short term & long term)?
- How do I create a plan to reach those goals?
- What can I do to improve myself as a mother, wife, daughter, sister, and provider?
- How do I create and lead a strong successful team of like minded individuals?
- What path am I currently on? Is it beneficial to me and my family?
- Where Do I Begin?
- How Can I Be A Positive Influence On Others?
- How Can I Improve My Overall Health -- Mind, Body, & Soul?

As I find the answers to these questions I will post the answers and how I found them plus as I find the way to improve my overall standing in this life I will post it. This, to me, is the most critical part of my journey.... sharing my story with others so that hopefully somebody somewhere can find that one thing that they have been looking for to help them in life!!!

"All of us might wish at times that we lived in a more tranquil world, but we don't. And if our times are difficult and perplexing, so are they challenging and filled with opportunity."
~Robert Kennedy~